sabato , 4 Maggio 2024

Joe Jones, Smoking | 1966

Fluxus video art “Smoking” by Joe Jones

The Fluxus movement of the 1960s brought together a wide range of artists who work in different mediums to create an anti-art aesthetic. This video by Joe Jones entitled “Smoking” from 1966 is 5 minutes and 10 seconds of video showing a puff of smoke that appears stagnant moving slowly through the frame. The film is part of the FluxFilm anthology, a compilation of 37 short films put together by Fluxus founder George Maciunas.
I am fascinated by the idea that video and photography have the ability to capture a singular movement of time, and that video allows this moment to become dynamic through temporal movement. The stagnant appearance of the smoke in this video plays with that concept- an isolated moment of stagnation shown progressing through time. The video seems to be playing with a concept of ephemerality.

original video:


video source: youtube

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