Andre Borges performs ‘Inside-Out” at the Sallis Benney Theatre, Brighton- UK. The work involves the use of live inner body sounds as musical material, combined with sounds of other music instruments and light bulbs that are controlled by the body sounds using Arduino technology. The video was recorded during his degree show in performance and Visual Arts at the University …
Trance music
Gennaio, 2018
Giugno, 2016
1 Giugno
James Whitney – Lapis (1966)
(1921-1982) Nationality: american James WHITNEY was born in 1921, in Pasadena, California, and lived all his life in the Los Angeles area. He studied painting, and travelled in England before World War II. James completed seven short films over four decades and collaborated with his brother John for some of his film work. The first of the brothers’ films was …
Aprile, 2016
27 Aprile
Joy Division Day Of The Lords
I Joy Division (IPA: [dʒɔɪ dɪˈvɪʒən]) sono stati una band post-punk inglese formatasi nel 1977 a Salford, nella contea di Greater Manchester. La band era costituita da Ian Curtis (voce), Bernard Sumner (chitarra e tastiere), Peter Hook (basso) e Stephen Morris (batteria e percussioni). Dopo l’uscita dell’album di debutto, intitolato Unknown Pleasures, e nonostante il crescente successo commerciale e di critica, alla vigilia del primo tour americano il suicidio del frontman Ian Curtis, nel maggio del 1980, determinò il conseguente scioglimento della …
Dicembre, 2015
9 Dicembre
Aphex Twin – Window Licker
I edited this video to get straight to the music, cutting out the beginning part of talking and setting up a story. Many people will recognize the end of this song was used in the movie “Grandmas’ Boy” I do not own the rights to this song. No copyright infringement intended. Rights belong to Label: [Merlin] Warp Records Link to …