domenica , 26 Gennaio 2025

Rubber Johnny by Chris Cunningham & Aphex Twin

Rubber Johnny by Chris Cunningham & Aphex Twin (1080p HD)
Info from Wikipedia:
The concept for Rubber Johnny came from Cunningham’s imagining a raver morphing as he danced. The idea evolved to the present film, in which Johnny (played by Cunningham) is an isolated deformed (possibly hydrocephalic) teenager kept on a wheelchair and locked in a dark basement with his chihuahua. The film was originally intended to be a 30-second TV commercial for the Aphex Twin album drukqs, using the track “afx237 v7”. However, Cunningham grew to like the concept more and more and decided to expand the concept into a greater length (the original commercial remains in the film in an altered form.) The film was shot partially in infrared night vision on digital video. The film’s music is “afx237 v7 (w19rhbasement remix)”, a remix made by Cunningham; the credits music is “gwarek2”, also from drukqs.

by The Windowlicker

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