mercoledì , 11 Settembre 2024

Tag Archives: tape

Novembre, 2016

  • 28 Novembre

    Pauline Oliveros | A Love Song

    This year continues a stunning series of losses of some of the most important pioneers in electronic music. But of all those, Pauline Oliveros is without peer – an innovator in the art of listening itself. And we’ve learned she’s died at the age of 84. No one else in music has a resume like hers. She was capable of …

Dicembre, 2015

  • 13 Dicembre

    Delia Derbyshire

    “Sono sempre stata appassionata della teoria del suono, anche ai tempi del liceo. L’insegnante di fisica si rifiutò di insegnarci l’acustica, ma la studiai da sola, e mi riusciva bene. Era un misto di parte matematica e di musica. Inoltre, la radio è stata il mio amore sin da quando ero bambina, perché venivo da una famiglia umile, avevamo pochi …

  • 8 Dicembre

    Hans Krüsi – Side 2 of Ex Hk

    Private recordings on cassette by Hans Krusi (from the Anton Bruhin collection). “While preparing a new edition of Anton Bruhin works, Alga Marghen discovered some mysterious tapes by Hans Krüsi. Fascinated by the raw and brute contents of those sounds, mixing field recordings of insects, sheep and distant bells with primitive chanting, percussive noises and distorted radio folk songs, Alga …

  • 8 Dicembre

    Halim El-Dabh – Wire Recorder Piece

    This is possibly the earliest piece of electronic music ever composed, or more specifically, the first piece of electronic tape music, also known as “musique concrete” or “electroacoustic” music. Halim El-Dabh, then a student at Cairo, Egypt, produced this music piece using samples taken from an ancient Egyptian “Zar” ceremony. He edited, manipulated and arranged these sounds to create the …

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