venerdì , 14 Febbraio 2025


Gennaio, 2016

  • 9 Gennaio

    Kenji Kojima – The Sound of Fountain

    Kenji Kojima has been experimenting with the relationships between perception and cognition, technology, music and visual art since early 90s. Born in Japan, and moved to New York in 1980. He created RGB Music series, an interdisciplinary work exploring the relation between images and music. In 2008, as part of the series, the sound installation “Subway Synesthesia” exhibited in New York …

  • 8 Gennaio

    Videodokument o Milanovi Adamčiakovi

    Milan Adamčiak (1946) is a Slovak composer, cellist and musicologist; author of acoustic objects, installations and unconventional musical instruments; a performer, visual artist, experimental poet, and mystifier. Biography Born 1946 in Ružomberok. After studying cello at the Music school in Žilina (1962-1968) he continued his music studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University Bratislava (1968-1973). In 1972-1991 he worked at the Institute of …

  • 7 Gennaio

    IRCAM ▪ A Portrait ▪ Side 1: Research [Sonic Examples]

    Pubblicato il 15 feb 2013 IRCAM Un Portrait Face 1: Recherche [exemples sonores] Vinyl Record – Ircam 0001 (1983) Click timecode below to jump directly to desired audio example. 00:05 David Wessel & John Chowning ≈ Frequency Modulation 01:22 York Höller & Marc Battier ≈ Spectral Analysis 03:33 Maurice Béjart ≈ Cross-Synthesis 05:36 Thierry Lancino & Roger Reynolds ≈ Sampling 06:50 Gerald Bennett ≈ Computer …

  • 5 Gennaio

    Maddalena Fagandini – Ideal home exhibition

    Maddalena Fagandini (1929-2012) was an electronic musician and television producer. She was employed by the BBC in the early 50s as part of their Italian Service before becoming part of the pioneering BBC Radiophonic Workshop in 1959. Her work with the Radiophonic Workshop involved creating jingles and interval signals, using musique concrète techniques, for BBC radio and television. In 1962 …

Dicembre, 2015

  • 23 Dicembre

    Herbert Eimert – Robert Beyer | Klang im unbegrenzten Raum

    Herbert Eimert & Robert Beyer | Klang im unbegrenzten Raum – Sound in Unlimited Space 1952 Robert Beyer, born in Germany 1901, involved in the early years of German electronic music with Herbert Eimert. by Tuna Akbaşlı

  • 23 Dicembre

    Herbert Eimert ‎– Elektronische Musik

    Herbert Eimert (8 April 1897 – 15 December 1972) was a German music theorist, musicologist, journalist, music critic, editor, radio producer, and composer. Herbert Eimert was born in Bad Kreuznach. He studied music theory and composition from 1919–1924 at the Cologne Musikhochschule with Hermann Abendroth, Franz Bölsche (de), and August von Othegraven. In 1924, while still a student, he published an Atonale Musiklehre (Atonal Music Theory Text) which, together with a twelve-tone string quartet composed for the end-of-term examination concert, …

  • 19 Dicembre

    Herbert Brün – Klänge Unterwegs (Wayfaring Sounds)

    Herbert Brün – Klänge Unterwegs (Wayfaring Sounds), Siemens-Studio Für Elektronische Musik, on Siemens Kultur Programm, 1998, (1961). by lemmidos   Herbert Brün (July 9, 1918 – November 6, 2000) was a composer and pioneer of electronic and computer music. Born in Berlin, Germany, he taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1962 until he retired, several years before his death. Brün left Germany in 1936 to study …

  • 19 Dicembre

    Henry Cowell: Heroic Dance (1931)

    California Parallèle Ensemble diretto da Nicole Paiement. Immagini tratte dal flm “Step across the Border”. by TheWelleszCompany   Henry Dixon Cowell (Menlo Park, 11 marzo 1897 – New York, 10 dicembre 1965) è stato un compositore, teorico musicale e pianista statunitense. La sua musica ricopre un vasto raggio di tecniche ed espressioni, partendo da sperimentazioni ritmiche e armoniche e finendo con occuparsi di sonorità particolari, su strumenti nuovi o modificati. “Nessun altro compositore del nostro tempo ha …

  • 16 Dicembre

    Salvatore Martirano – L’s GA for Gassed-Masked Politico, Helium Bomb and Two Channel Tape

    Salvatore Giovanni Martirano, internationally acclaimed American composer, was born on January 12th, 1927 in Yonkers, NY, a son of Alexander and Mary Mazzullo Martirano. He died at the age of 68 on Friday, November 17th, 1995. Professor Martirano studied composition with Herbert Elwell at Oberlin College (1947-51), Bernard Rodgers at The Eastman School of Music (1952), and with Luigi Dallapiccola …

  • 16 Dicembre

    Henning Christiansen & Joseph Beuys – Requiem of Art Op. 50

    “We were of course very impressed by Cage when we were in Darmstadt, but he has his house and I have mine.” — Henning Christiansen While countless pages of energy, words and print have been laid down concerning such alternative musical heroes as Sun Ra, Stockhausen, Miles Davis and John Cage to name but four, relatively little attention has been …

Idioms »