venerdì , 14 Febbraio 2025


Aprile, 2016

  • 27 Aprile

    Joseph Beuys Filz TV

    Joseph Beuys, Filz-TV (Felt TV) (1970) Author: Walker Art Center Date: 2000 Institution: Walker Art Center This multiple, a relic of Joseph Beuys’ action Felt TV (1966), is composed of three props (the boxing gloves, felt pad, and sausage) and a film of the performance. In the 11-minute film, Beuys explored metaphors of communication and energy through the medium of television. As the TV broadcast a talk …

  • 6 Aprile

    Frank Zappa – G-Spot Tornado & Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus

    Frank Vincent Zappa (Baltimora, 21 dicembre 1940 – Los Angeles, 4 dicembre 1993) è stato un compositore, chitarrista, cantante, arrangiatore, direttore d’orchestra e produttore discografico statunitense. È considerato uno dei più grandi geni musicali del ‘900, capace di fondere molti generi a lui precedenti e contemporanei ottenendo un risultato insuperato.[2][3] Definire il genere musicale di Zappa è quasi impossibile, ma si può affermare che fosse coinvolto in ambiti musicali come rock, blues, jazz, fusion, progressive, avanguardia, musica classica, satira e cabaret.[4][5] source: Wikipedia, l’enciclopedia libera Bestiák / Beasts: Animated …

  • 6 Aprile

    Persona – dir. I. Bergman | score: Lars Johan Werle

    He was born in Gävle, Sweden, and taught himself how to compose, although he later studied at the University of Uppsala. He sang in the chorus Bel Canto, was active as a jazz musician, and worked as a producer for Swedish Radio. He was known for his avant-gardist, post-Webernian composition Pentagram for string quartet that won first prize at the Gaudeamus Festival in Bilthovenin 1960. He became …

Marzo, 2016

  • 3 Marzo

    Dutch Designers print sound – Dirk van den Heuvel

    He states:  “When I first started researching 3D printing the technology was an exciting and interesting, but the desktop 3D printers were unable to produce objects at a human scale. Large and medium scale functional design objects that we use, like bowls, plates & decorative objects could not be made. The objects made with desktop 3D printers were also low …

Febbraio, 2016

  • 5 Febbraio

    Bill Fontana – Harmonic Bridge

    I have worked for the past 45 years creating installations that use sound as a sculptural medium to interact with and transform our perceptions of visual and architectural settings. These have been installed in public spaces and museums around the world including San Francisco, New York, Paris, London, Berlin, Venice, Sydney and Tokyo. My sound sculptures use the human and/or …

Gennaio, 2016

  • 23 Gennaio

    Mika Vainio – Heijastuva

    Long and slowly developing title track Heijastuva is a Mika Vainio’s implementation of Robert Fripp and Brian Eno’s guitar feedback experiments from 70’s. B-side’s three ultra minimal and subtle tracks speak about light and fragility of life. Entitled Heijastuva, it’s comprised of four new tracks from the Finnish artist, including the long pieces ‘Heijastuva’ (a loop-based, slowly unfolding study in guitar …

  • 15 Gennaio

    David Letellier – Caten

    Caten . 2012 Kinetic sound installation by David Letellier Created for the Saint Sauveur chapel in Caen, Caten is a levitating sculpture, determined by gravity and guiding the evolution of a sound composition. 300 fine wires suspended from two ropes, connected themselves at each end to a slowly rotating arm, form an evanescent surface which interacts with the architecture. …

  • 12 Gennaio

    Laurie Anderson – Home Of The Brave (1986)

    Home of the Brave is a 1986 American concert film directed by and featuring the music of Laurie Anderson. The film’s full on-screen title is Home of the Brave: A Film by Laurie Anderson. The performances were filmed at the Park Theater in Union City, NJ, during the summer of 1985. Good Evening (instrumental) Zero and One (spoken word) Excellent …

  • 12 Gennaio

    Maryanne Amacher ‎– Sound Characters (Making The Third Ear) – 1999

    Maryanne Amacher (1943-2009) October 22, 2009 by Kyle Gann [For emendation to the above dates, see updates below.] The music world lost one of its most bizarre characters today, and I say that with the utmost affection. Maryanne Amacher was an amazing composer of sound installations, who occasionally taught courses at Bard. I first encountered her in 1980 at New Music America …

  • 11 Gennaio

    Miguel Álvarez-Fernández – Bacchus

    “Bacchus”, a new installation by DissoNoiSex (Asia Piascik, Stefan Kersten and Miguel Álvarez-Fernández), presented at the Vinfonies Festival (Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona), 10-13 November 2011. “Bacchus” is based on the electrical conductivity of wine: even the slightest trace of fluid on the smooth, white surface closes an oscillatory feedback loop between three metal electrodes and produces a manifold of sounds, …

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