domenica , 26 Gennaio 2025

Computer music

Agosto, 2016

  • 23 Agosto

    Lejaren Hiller | Nightmare Music For Magnetic Tape

    LeJaren Hiller Avalanche/ Nightmare Music/ Suite for Two Pianos and Tape/ Computer Music for Tape and Percussion. Lejaren Arthur Hiller (February 23, 1924 in New York City – January 26, 1994 in Buffalo, New York) was an American composer. In 1957 he collaborated with Leonard Issacson on his String Quartet No. 4, Illiac Suite, the first significant use of a computer to compose music. In 1958 Hiller founded the …

Gennaio, 2016

  • 31 Gennaio

    Pietro Grossi | Progetto 2/3

    Pietro Grossi (Venezia, 15 aprile 1917 – Firenze, 21 febbraio 2002), dopo aver conseguito il diploma in violoncello e composizione al Conservatorio di Musica di Bologna, nel 1936, a diciannove anni vince il concorso per il posto di primo violoncello nell’orchestra del Maggio musicale fiorentino. Nel 1941 si diploma in composizione e comincia a scrivere opere per orchestra e musica …

  • 12 Gennaio

    Maryanne Amacher ‎– Sound Characters (Making The Third Ear) – 1999

    Maryanne Amacher (1943-2009) October 22, 2009 by Kyle Gann [For emendation to the above dates, see updates below.] The music world lost one of its most bizarre characters today, and I say that with the utmost affection. Maryanne Amacher was an amazing composer of sound installations, who occasionally taught courses at Bard. I first encountered her in 1980 at New Music America …

  • 11 Gennaio

    Miguel Álvarez-Fernández – Bacchus

    “Bacchus”, a new installation by DissoNoiSex (Asia Piascik, Stefan Kersten and Miguel Álvarez-Fernández), presented at the Vinfonies Festival (Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona), 10-13 November 2011. “Bacchus” is based on the electrical conductivity of wine: even the slightest trace of fluid on the smooth, white surface closes an oscillatory feedback loop between three metal electrodes and produces a manifold of sounds, …

  • 9 Gennaio

    Kenji Kojima – The Sound of Fountain

    Kenji Kojima has been experimenting with the relationships between perception and cognition, technology, music and visual art since early 90s. Born in Japan, and moved to New York in 1980. He created RGB Music series, an interdisciplinary work exploring the relation between images and music. In 2008, as part of the series, the sound installation “Subway Synesthesia” exhibited in New York …

Dicembre, 2015

  • 23 Dicembre

    Herbert Eimert – Robert Beyer | Klang im unbegrenzten Raum

    Herbert Eimert & Robert Beyer | Klang im unbegrenzten Raum – Sound in Unlimited Space 1952 Robert Beyer, born in Germany 1901, involved in the early years of German electronic music with Herbert Eimert. by Tuna Akbaşlı

  • 23 Dicembre

    Herbert Eimert ‎– Elektronische Musik

    Herbert Eimert (8 April 1897 – 15 December 1972) was a German music theorist, musicologist, journalist, music critic, editor, radio producer, and composer. Herbert Eimert was born in Bad Kreuznach. He studied music theory and composition from 1919–1924 at the Cologne Musikhochschule with Hermann Abendroth, Franz Bölsche (de), and August von Othegraven. In 1924, while still a student, he published an Atonale Musiklehre (Atonal Music Theory Text) which, together with a twelve-tone string quartet composed for the end-of-term examination concert, …

  • 16 Dicembre

    Salvatore Martirano – L’s GA for Gassed-Masked Politico, Helium Bomb and Two Channel Tape

    Salvatore Giovanni Martirano, internationally acclaimed American composer, was born on January 12th, 1927 in Yonkers, NY, a son of Alexander and Mary Mazzullo Martirano. He died at the age of 68 on Friday, November 17th, 1995. Professor Martirano studied composition with Herbert Elwell at Oberlin College (1947-51), Bernard Rodgers at The Eastman School of Music (1952), and with Luigi Dallapiccola …

  • 11 Dicembre

    League Of Automatic Music Composers – Musica per calcolatori

    Prima band per computer collegati in rete, la League Of Automatic Music Composers ha forgiato un esperimento spartiacque per il genere e rivoluzionario (sebbene passato completamente inosservato) per la musica intera. Un esperimento che nasce tra i fermenti californiani degli anni 70, da un gruppo di colleghi e amici, uniti dalla passione per la musica e per la tecnologia. John …

  • 10 Dicembre

    Daphne Oram (1925 – 2003)

    La misconosciuta levatrice della rivoluzione della musica elettronica. Avevo 18 anni […] e pensarono che fossi abbastanza stupida, una sciocca ragazza adolescente che faceva domande stupide, ma ero molto determinata a investigare [quel principio], anche se non disponevo di un oscilloscopio. Daphne Oram mi si palesò sotto forma di una signora inglese vestita secondo la moda dei primi anni ’60, …

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