I Joy Division (IPA: [dʒɔɪ dɪˈvɪʒən]) sono stati una band post-punk inglese formatasi nel 1977 a Salford, nella contea di Greater Manchester. La band era costituita da Ian Curtis (voce), Bernard Sumner (chitarra e tastiere), Peter Hook (basso) e Stephen Morris (batteria e percussioni). Dopo l’uscita dell’album di debutto, intitolato Unknown Pleasures, e nonostante il crescente successo commerciale e di critica, alla vigilia del primo tour americano il suicidio del frontman Ian Curtis, nel maggio del 1980, determinò il conseguente scioglimento della …
Tag Archives: Trance music
Aprile, 2016
Dicembre, 2015
10 Dicembre
Rubber Johnny by Chris Cunningham & Aphex Twin
Rubber Johnny by Chris Cunningham & Aphex Twin (1080p HD) Info from Wikipedia: The concept for Rubber Johnny came from Cunningham’s imagining a raver morphing as he danced. The idea evolved to the present film, in which Johnny (played by Cunningham) is an isolated deformed (possibly hydrocephalic) teenager kept on a wheelchair and locked in a dark basement with his …
9 Dicembre
Aphex Twin – Window Licker
I edited this video to get straight to the music, cutting out the beginning part of talking and setting up a story. Many people will recognize the end of this song was used in the movie “Grandmas’ Boy” I do not own the rights to this song. No copyright infringement intended. Rights belong to Label: [Merlin] Warp Records Link to …