domenica , 26 Gennaio 2025

Tag Archives: Visual art

Gennaio, 2018

  • 15 Gennaio

    Ryoji Ikeda | data.path

    Born in 1966, the japanese Ryoji Ikeda started working in the world of music, a field that he would soon face up to the computer and from which he would jump towards visual creation and the multidisciplinary use of very varied artistic techniques, such as performance and the installation. Self-taught, he achieved with his technique an extremely precise aesthetic, to open …

Agosto, 2016

  • 22 Agosto

    Joe Jones, Smoking | 1966

    Fluxus video art “Smoking” by Joe Jones The Fluxus movement of the 1960s brought together a wide range of artists who work in different mediums to create an anti-art aesthetic. This video by Joe Jones entitled “Smoking” from 1966 is 5 minutes and 10 seconds of video showing a puff of smoke that appears stagnant moving slowly through the frame. The …

Aprile, 2016

  • 27 Aprile

    Joseph Beuys Filz TV

    Joseph Beuys, Filz-TV (Felt TV) (1970) Author: Walker Art Center Date: 2000 Institution: Walker Art Center This multiple, a relic of Joseph Beuys’ action Felt TV (1966), is composed of three props (the boxing gloves, felt pad, and sausage) and a film of the performance. In the 11-minute film, Beuys explored metaphors of communication and energy through the medium of television. As the TV broadcast a talk …

Marzo, 2016

  • 3 Marzo

    Dutch Designers print sound – Dirk van den Heuvel

    He states:  “When I first started researching 3D printing the technology was an exciting and interesting, but the desktop 3D printers were unable to produce objects at a human scale. Large and medium scale functional design objects that we use, like bowls, plates & decorative objects could not be made. The objects made with desktop 3D printers were also low …

Dicembre, 2015

  • 9 Dicembre

    Cimatica – La meravigliosa forma delle vocali

    by Musica & Spirito La cimatica ha esplorato l’interazione tra suono e biologia. Attraverso esperimenti sulle vibrazioni sonore, Ernst Chladni prima e soprattutto Hans Jenny in seguito, arrivarono a comprendere come il suono poteva influire sulla materia, organizzandone la forma nello spazio. Inoltre Jenny comprese anche come le vocali di alcune lingue antiche avessero il potere di produrre il disegno relativo alla …

  • 8 Dicembre

    Günter Maas – Audio-Visual Painting

    German subtitles provided. Use yt translation tool for your target language, please. by MonoThyratron GERMAN [English further below] Der deutsche Maler und Bildhauer Günter Maas (* 1923 in Jünkerath/Eifel † 22. März 2010 Köln-Müngersdorf) gilt als Pionier der von ihm benannten “audio-visuellen Malerei”. In den 1960er Jahren erprobte der Synästhet auf Anraten des Komponisten Karlheinz Stockhausen zum ersten Mal die Umsetzung …

Idioms »