domenica , 26 Gennaio 2025

Enrico Pofi

Marzo, 2019

  • 7 Marzo

    Performance artist Carolee Schneemann dies aged 79

    The artist Carolee Schneemann, who fearlessly confronted taboos around sex and gender, has died aged 79. Schneemann is perhaps best known for her 1964 film Meat Joy, an orgiastic hymn to the human body that featured underwear-clad dancers writhing around together with raw meat and mackerel. It was one of many groundbreaking works created during a 60-year career, in which Schneemann never …

Gennaio, 2019

  • 30 Gennaio

    In memoriam: Susan Hiller

    It is with great sadness that we report the death of Susan Hiller yesterday after a short illness. We extend our deepest condolences to her family, especially David and Gabriel Coxhead. She will be remembered not only as a friend, thinker and mentor, but as a powerful and unique voice in contemporary art over the last four decades. Her investigations …

  • 29 Gennaio

    Pierre Schaeffer an interview with the pioneer of musique concrete

    Introduction: What is Musique Concrete and why is it so important today? Musique Concrete is music made of raw sounds: thunderstorms, steam-engines, waterfalls, steel foundries… The sounds are not produced by traditional acoustic musical instruments. They are captured on tape (originally, before tape, on disk) and manipulated to form sound-structures. The work method is therefore empirical. It starts from the …

Marzo, 2018

  • 25 Marzo

    Karel Appel (1921 – 2006)

    Karel Appel was a forceful and fascinating personality, and his Musique Barbare does not less bear the stamp of it than do any of his other artistic creations. A more remarkable gramophone record has not been produced in many a year. In 1963, Dutch abstract-expressionist painter Karel Appel (1921-2006), one of the founders of the avant-garde movement Cobra in 1948, …

Febbraio, 2018

  • 28 Febbraio

    John Perry Barlow, Internet Pioneer, 1947-2018

    With a broken heart I have to announce that EFF’s founder, visionary, and our ongoing inspiration, John Perry Barlow, passed away quietly in his sleep this morning. We will miss Barlow and his wisdom for decades to come, and he will always be an integral part of EFF. It is no exaggeration to say that major parts of the Internet we all know …

Settembre, 2017

  • 6 Settembre

    Bernard et François Baschet

    Bernard, né en 1917, et François Baschet, né en 1920, sont des créateurs d’instruments acoustiques. Bernard, est un ingénieur formé à l’Ecole Centrale de Paris. Il gère une petite entreprise familiale de bois pendant 15 ans. Mélomane, il apprécie la musique concrète de Pierre Henry et Pierre Schaeffer. François, résistant pendant la guerre, est ensuite enrôlé dans les services secrets …

Febbraio, 2017

  • 26 Febbraio

    The ‘Variophone’ Yevgeny Sholpo. Russia, 1932

    Developed in the Soviet Union in 1932 by Yevgeny Alexandrovitch Sholpo and Georgy Rimsky-Korsakov at the Central Laboratory of Wire Communication in Leningrad after several years research into performer-less music; the Variophone was an photo-electrical electronic instrument. The particular method used by the Variophone was a type of optical audio recording designed to allow the composition of lengthy polyphonic pieces …

Dicembre, 2016

  • 1 Dicembre

    Noise music is for the children: The Shoreditch Experimental Music School, 1969

    My education in experimental music came in my college years. Between volunteering at the campus radio station and living in a cheap apartment building in a neighborhood that had historically been a freak magnet, I hooked up with a cadre of students from a nearby music school who were into the weird stuff, and were cool enough not just to …

Giugno, 2016

  • 16 Giugno

    Max Neuhaus – Sound Art?

    From the early 1980s on there have been an increasing number of exhibitions at visual arts institutions that have focused on sound. By 1995 they had become almost an art fad. These exhibitions often include a subset (sometimes even all) of the following: music, kinetic sculpture, instruments activated by the wind or played by the public, conceptual art, sound effects, …

  • 6 Giugno

    John Cage in Italia. Empty Words al Teatro Lirico, Milano 1977

    Empty Words al Teatro Lirico (Milano, 1977) La sera del 2 dicembre 1977, John Cage tenne un concerto intitolato Empty Words (Parte III) presso il Teatro Lirico di Milano. Il compositore americano fu invitato dall’emittente radio Canale 96, con la partecipazione di Gianni Sassi di Cramps Records che aveva pubblicato due album di musiche di Cage, in quanto esponente di …

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