domenica , 26 Gennaio 2025


Agosto, 2019

  • 4 Agosto

    Sound Art \ Percorsi della Creatività

    di Maurizio Chiantone Il libro esamina lo sviluppo della sound art, pratica ormai consolidata e diffusa a partire dagli anni ‘50 intorno alla musica, l’architettura e le pratiche dell’arte mediatica. A differenza di molti studi sull’organizzazione dei suoni nel tempo, nella sound art installazioni e performances hanno una forte correlazione con lo spazio e con il complesso di interventi necessari …

Febbraio, 2019

  • 27 Febbraio

    En Chair et en Son \ France

    Festival En Chair et en Son – 4e édition Centre de création numérique LE CUBE Issy les Moulineaux le 26 octobre 2018 Title: Ku Danse : Rosana BarraMusique : Maurizio ChiantoneInterprétation sur acousmonium MOTUS: Eric Broitmann Lumières : Cloé Chope Captation Vidéo : Irène Oki

Marzo, 2018

  • 20 Marzo

    Musica Velata | Blucode Lap [Live Action Performance] 2018

    R U M I N A N Z E © scritture collettive multimodali ricerca permanente sul suono, sull’arte, sui segni. RUMINANZE© Dal 2004 Ruminanze è il Laboratorio di scritture collettive multimediali di Blucode LAP, ogni esperienza di Ruminanze è distinta da un numero progressivo a quattro cifre. Con Ruminanze si indaga sulla ri-mediazione tra linguaggi. I diversi medium espressivi concorrono …

Gennaio, 2018

  • 15 Gennaio

    Ryoji Ikeda | data.path

    Born in 1966, the japanese Ryoji Ikeda started working in the world of music, a field that he would soon face up to the computer and from which he would jump towards visual creation and the multidisciplinary use of very varied artistic techniques, such as performance and the installation. Self-taught, he achieved with his technique an extremely precise aesthetic, to open …

Dicembre, 2017

  • 21 Dicembre

    Maurizio Chiantone | Skēnè :: InVisible Streams

    Skēnè The Poetics of Skēnè – Draft   /  This work is measured with iron, more precisely with non-disposed and rusted pipes, but theses, shiny, vibrant, stacked to structure windmill-like bamboo columns that rigid tools defined for drawing a useful volume. Building builder slaves will now become protagonists by becoming architecture themselves that is well placed in post-modern and new …

Settembre, 2017

  • 6 Settembre

    Bernard et François Baschet

    Bernard, né en 1917, et François Baschet, né en 1920, sont des créateurs d’instruments acoustiques. Bernard, est un ingénieur formé à l’Ecole Centrale de Paris. Il gère une petite entreprise familiale de bois pendant 15 ans. Mélomane, il apprécie la musique concrète de Pierre Henry et Pierre Schaeffer. François, résistant pendant la guerre, est ensuite enrôlé dans les services secrets …

Novembre, 2016

  • 28 Novembre

    Jean Claude Risset | Mutations (1969)

    Jean-Claude Risset, who reimagined digital synthesis, has died Peter Kirn — November 22, 2016 We’re in a strange time, as we big farewell to a great generation of pioneers of electronic music. French composer Jean-Claude Risset’s work can still tickle our perception and challenge what’s possible. He helped expand the frontiers of what digital synthesis can do for our ears, and brought …

Ottobre, 2016

  • 15 Ottobre

    Maurizio Chiantone and Rasjid Cesar | Pollution 2016

    A performance by: Maurizio Chiantone | Acousmatic Music – Rasjid Cesar | Butoh Dance – Festival EN CHAIR ET EN SON #2 | International meetings butoh dance and acousmatic music – Organised by AEA (Aventures Electro Acoustiques), – Motus compagnie musicale, Le Cube, Centre de création numérique. – Issy les Moulineaux – Paris, from 6th to 8th of october 2016. …

Gennaio, 2016

  • 12 Gennaio

    Maryanne Amacher ‎– Sound Characters (Making The Third Ear) – 1999

    Maryanne Amacher (1943-2009) October 22, 2009 by Kyle Gann [For emendation to the above dates, see updates below.] The music world lost one of its most bizarre characters today, and I say that with the utmost affection. Maryanne Amacher was an amazing composer of sound installations, who occasionally taught courses at Bard. I first encountered her in 1980 at New Music America …

  • 11 Gennaio

    Miguel Álvarez-Fernández – Bacchus

    “Bacchus”, a new installation by DissoNoiSex (Asia Piascik, Stefan Kersten and Miguel Álvarez-Fernández), presented at the Vinfonies Festival (Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona), 10-13 November 2011. “Bacchus” is based on the electrical conductivity of wine: even the slightest trace of fluid on the smooth, white surface closes an oscillatory feedback loop between three metal electrodes and produces a manifold of sounds, …

Idioms »