di Maurizio Chiantone Il libro esamina lo sviluppo della sound art, pratica ormai consolidata e diffusa a partire dagli anni ‘50 intorno alla musica, l’architettura e le pratiche dell’arte mediatica. A differenza di molti studi sull’organizzazione dei suoni nel tempo, nella sound art installazioni e performances hanno una forte correlazione con lo spazio e con il complesso di interventi necessari …
Agosto, 2019
Febbraio, 2019
27 Febbraio
En Chair et en Son \ France
Festival En Chair et en Son – 4e édition Centre de création numérique LE CUBE Issy les Moulineaux le 26 octobre 2018 Title: Ku Danse : Rosana BarraMusique : Maurizio ChiantoneInterprétation sur acousmonium MOTUS: Eric Broitmann Lumières : Cloé Chope Captation Vidéo : Irène Oki http://en-chair-et-en-son.com
Dicembre, 2017
21 Dicembre
Maurizio Chiantone | Skēnè :: InVisible Streams
Skēnè The Poetics of Skēnè – Draft / This work is measured with iron, more precisely with non-disposed and rusted pipes, but theses, shiny, vibrant, stacked to structure windmill-like bamboo columns that rigid tools defined for drawing a useful volume. Building builder slaves will now become protagonists by becoming architecture themselves that is well placed in post-modern and new …
Ottobre, 2016
15 Ottobre
Maurizio Chiantone and Rasjid Cesar | Pollution 2016
A performance by: Maurizio Chiantone | Acousmatic Music – Rasjid Cesar | Butoh Dance – Festival EN CHAIR ET EN SON #2 | International meetings butoh dance and acousmatic music – Organised by AEA (Aventures Electro Acoustiques), – Motus compagnie musicale, Le Cube, Centre de création numérique. – Issy les Moulineaux – Paris, from 6th to 8th of october 2016. …
Dicembre, 2015
23 Dicembre
Herbert Eimert – Robert Beyer | Klang im unbegrenzten Raum
Herbert Eimert & Robert Beyer | Klang im unbegrenzten Raum – Sound in Unlimited Space 1952 Robert Beyer, born in Germany 1901, involved in the early years of German electronic music with Herbert Eimert. by Tuna Akbaşlı
11 Dicembre
Nef – vorrei… rivederti
Monografia di Marco Olivieri NEF PROFILE NEF film production was born in 2010 looking for the extemporaneity as an artistic method for a better view of contemporary reality, and it was founded together with the NEF manifesto: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KpAnEmVOsA , a video-manifest against. “ It often happens that new artistic currents originate from the will of reacting against a prevailing aesthetics” – Anselm Kiefer, …