di Maurizio Chiantone Il libro esamina lo sviluppo della sound art, pratica ormai consolidata e diffusa a partire dagli anni ‘50 intorno alla musica, l’architettura e le pratiche dell’arte mediatica. A differenza di molti studi sull’organizzazione dei suoni nel tempo, nella sound art installazioni e performances hanno una forte correlazione con lo spazio e con il complesso di interventi necessari …
Agosto, 2019
Gennaio, 2019
30 Gennaio
In memoriam: Susan Hiller
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Susan Hiller yesterday after a short illness. We extend our deepest condolences to her family, especially David and Gabriel Coxhead. She will be remembered not only as a friend, thinker and mentor, but as a powerful and unique voice in contemporary art over the last four decades. Her investigations …
Marzo, 2018
20 Marzo
Musica Velata | Blucode Lap [Live Action Performance] 2018
R U M I N A N Z E © scritture collettive multimodali ricerca permanente sul suono, sull’arte, sui segni. RUMINANZE© Dal 2004 Ruminanze è il Laboratorio di scritture collettive multimediali di Blucode LAP, ogni esperienza di Ruminanze è distinta da un numero progressivo a quattro cifre. Con Ruminanze si indaga sulla ri-mediazione tra linguaggi. I diversi medium espressivi concorrono …
Gennaio, 2018
15 Gennaio
Ryoji Ikeda | data.path
Born in 1966, the japanese Ryoji Ikeda started working in the world of music, a field that he would soon face up to the computer and from which he would jump towards visual creation and the multidisciplinary use of very varied artistic techniques, such as performance and the installation. Self-taught, he achieved with his technique an extremely precise aesthetic, to open …
14 Gennaio
Andre Borges | Inside-Out
Andre Borges performs ‘Inside-Out” at the Sallis Benney Theatre, Brighton- UK. The work involves the use of live inner body sounds as musical material, combined with sounds of other music instruments and light bulbs that are controlled by the body sounds using Arduino technology. The video was recorded during his degree show in performance and Visual Arts at the University …
Dicembre, 2017
21 Dicembre
Maurizio Chiantone | Skēnè :: InVisible Streams
Skēnè The Poetics of Skēnè – Draft / This work is measured with iron, more precisely with non-disposed and rusted pipes, but theses, shiny, vibrant, stacked to structure windmill-like bamboo columns that rigid tools defined for drawing a useful volume. Building builder slaves will now become protagonists by becoming architecture themselves that is well placed in post-modern and new …
Settembre, 2017
6 Settembre
Bernard et François Baschet
Bernard, né en 1917, et François Baschet, né en 1920, sont des créateurs d’instruments acoustiques. Bernard, est un ingénieur formé à l’Ecole Centrale de Paris. Il gère une petite entreprise familiale de bois pendant 15 ans. Mélomane, il apprécie la musique concrète de Pierre Henry et Pierre Schaeffer. François, résistant pendant la guerre, est ensuite enrôlé dans les services secrets …
Novembre, 2016
23 Novembre
Pietro Grossi | Concerto on GE-115 Computer 1967
Dopo il diploma in violoncello al Conservatorio di Bologna nel 1936 vince il concorso per il posto di primo violoncello nell’orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino dove rimarrà fino al 1966. Nel 1941 si diploma in composizione e scrive le prime composizioni per orchestra e musica da camera. Nel 1956 vince il concorso per la cattedra di violoncello presso il conservatorio …
23 Novembre
Philip Jeck | Vinyl Coda II
Artist Biography by John Bush In territory similar to Christian Marclay and David Shea, Philip Jeck is an English avant-garde turntablist, plunderphonic sample terrorist, and performance artist whose most famous installation, Vinyl Requiem, included no less than 180 turntables. After studying the visual arts at Dartington College in Devon, Jeck began a performance career that found him at art galleries as well as warehouse parties, where he emulated …
23 Novembre
The Living Theatre | Paradise Now: The Living Theatre in Amerika
“Life, revolution and theater are three words for the same thing: an unconditional NO to the present society.” – Julian Beck (Living Theatre) “Paradise Now … more relevant now because we’re closer to now than we ever have been.” – Hanon Reznikov (Living Theatre) Arthur Magazine proudly presents PARADISE NOW: The Living Theatre in Amerika DVD — a fulminating art-meets-life installation brought …