venerdì , 14 Febbraio 2025

Tag Archives: Computer music

Marzo, 2018

  • 20 Marzo

    Musica Velata | Blucode Lap [Live Action Performance] 2018

    R U M I N A N Z E © scritture collettive multimodali ricerca permanente sul suono, sull’arte, sui segni. RUMINANZE© Dal 2004 Ruminanze è il Laboratorio di scritture collettive multimediali di Blucode LAP, ogni esperienza di Ruminanze è distinta da un numero progressivo a quattro cifre. Con Ruminanze si indaga sulla ri-mediazione tra linguaggi. I diversi medium espressivi concorrono …

Gennaio, 2018

  • 15 Gennaio

    Ryoji Ikeda | data.path

    Born in 1966, the japanese Ryoji Ikeda started working in the world of music, a field that he would soon face up to the computer and from which he would jump towards visual creation and the multidisciplinary use of very varied artistic techniques, such as performance and the installation. Self-taught, he achieved with his technique an extremely precise aesthetic, to open …

  • 15 Gennaio

    Ray Cathode | Waltz in Orbit

    B-side to the 7″ vinyl single ‘Time Beat’ by Ray Cathode (1962, Parlophone, UK) Cat#: R 4901 Written by B.B.C. Radiophonics Produced by George Martin “Waltz In Orbit” was written especially for this release. It was credited to the pseudonym “Ray Cathode”, actually Maddalena Fagandini and future Beatles producer George Martin. Fagandini worked at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. The single …

Settembre, 2017

  • 25 Settembre

    Walter Ruttmann – Stan Brakhage Tribute Konzert | Électronique Guérilla Orchestre

    Electronic Live set – Tributo, Walter Ruttmann e Stan Brakhage 16 ottobre 2016. A cura della classe di Composizione con Mezzi Elettroacustici del M° Giosuè Grassia Interpreti – Adamo Iannelli – Alessio Politano – Andrea D’argenio – Giuseppe Carbone – Gaetano Pepe – Stefano Pascale – Valentino Santarcangelo Regia del Suono: Frank Mastrobuoni YouTube

Novembre, 2016

  • 28 Novembre

    Jean Claude Risset | Mutations (1969)

    Jean-Claude Risset, who reimagined digital synthesis, has died Peter Kirn — November 22, 2016 We’re in a strange time, as we big farewell to a great generation of pioneers of electronic music. French composer Jean-Claude Risset’s work can still tickle our perception and challenge what’s possible. He helped expand the frontiers of what digital synthesis can do for our ears, and brought …

  • 23 Novembre

    Pietro Grossi | Concerto on GE-115 Computer 1967

    Dopo il diploma in violoncello al Conservatorio di Bologna nel 1936 vince il concorso per il posto di primo violoncello nell’orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino dove rimarrà fino al 1966. Nel 1941 si diploma in composizione e scrive le prime composizioni per orchestra e musica da camera. Nel 1956 vince il concorso per la cattedra di violoncello presso il conservatorio …

  • 23 Novembre

    Pierre Schaeffer | Études de bruits (1948)

    History of Electroacoustic MusicPierre Schaeffer (1910-1995) was a graduate of the Paris Ecole Polytechnique, after which he went to work for Radiodiffusion Francaise (RF) as an engineer and broadcaster. In 1942, during the Nazi occupation, he convinced the RF to make him project director of research into a science of musical acoustics. He was able to use the station’s turntables, disc …

Agosto, 2016

  • 23 Agosto

    Maddalena Fagandini | Interval Signal

    Maddalena Fagandini,  was one of the more unsung of the pioneering women producers and composers who developed the techniques and sounds of electronic music in the early days of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. There’s some confusion about the precise dates of her residency in Room 13, the Workshop’s hideaway within the big barn of the Maida Vale studios. This is …

  • 23 Agosto

    Lejaren Hiller | Nightmare Music For Magnetic Tape

    LeJaren Hiller Avalanche/ Nightmare Music/ Suite for Two Pianos and Tape/ Computer Music for Tape and Percussion. Lejaren Arthur Hiller (February 23, 1924 in New York City – January 26, 1994 in Buffalo, New York) was an American composer. In 1957 he collaborated with Leonard Issacson on his String Quartet No. 4, Illiac Suite, the first significant use of a computer to compose music. In 1958 Hiller founded the …

Gennaio, 2016

  • 16 Gennaio

    Velimir Khlebnikov

    Viktor Vladimirovich Khlebnikov was born in 1885 in Malye Derbety, Astrakhan Governorate, Russian Empire ( in present-day Kalmykia). He was of Russian, Armenian and Zaporozhian Cossack descent. He moved to Kazan, where he attended school. He then attended school in Saint Petersburg. He eventually quit school to become a full-time writer. Khlebnikov belonged to Hylaea, the most significant Russian Futurist …

Idioms »