venerdì , 14 Febbraio 2025

Tag Archives: Ondulazione

Gennaio, 2018

  • 15 Gennaio

    Ryoji Ikeda | data.path

    Born in 1966, the japanese Ryoji Ikeda started working in the world of music, a field that he would soon face up to the computer and from which he would jump towards visual creation and the multidisciplinary use of very varied artistic techniques, such as performance and the installation. Self-taught, he achieved with his technique an extremely precise aesthetic, to open …

Novembre, 2016

  • 23 Novembre

    Pierre Schaeffer | Études de bruits (1948)

    History of Electroacoustic MusicPierre Schaeffer (1910-1995) was a graduate of the Paris Ecole Polytechnique, after which he went to work for Radiodiffusion Francaise (RF) as an engineer and broadcaster. In 1942, during the Nazi occupation, he convinced the RF to make him project director of research into a science of musical acoustics. He was able to use the station’s turntables, disc …

Dicembre, 2015

  • 7 Dicembre

    Elektronisches Monochord

    Das elektronische Monochord von Dr. Friedrich Trautwein stand nach seiner (nicht ganz vollendeten) Herstellung im Jahre 1954 im “Studio für elektronische Musik” des NWDR in Köln. Seiner intendierten Nutzung wurde es allerdings nicht zugeführt. Sei es, dass dieses trautonium-gleiche Musikinstrument einen zu großen Übungsaufwand erforderte oder einfach nur nicht den Erfordernissen der aufkeimenden deutschen Elektronikmusik entsprach (Stockhausen bevorzugte in jener …

Novembre, 2015

  • 24 Novembre

    Maurizio Chiantone | Enrico Pofi. Sound Art Zone

    Un punto di riflessione sui possibili scenari di un [questo] luogo virtuale. Il suono che dialoga con le arti e la creatività e diventa disciplina. La sua stessa natura lo rende un veicolo perfetto nell’interconnessione con i più diversi linguaggi. Come molti generi di arte contemporanea, l’arte del suono è di natura interdisciplinare, o assume forme ibride. La Sound Art può …

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