domenica , 26 Gennaio 2025


Gennaio, 2019

  • 30 Gennaio

    In memoriam: Susan Hiller

    It is with great sadness that we report the death of Susan Hiller yesterday after a short illness. We extend our deepest condolences to her family, especially David and Gabriel Coxhead. She will be remembered not only as a friend, thinker and mentor, but as a powerful and unique voice in contemporary art over the last four decades. Her investigations …

  • 29 Gennaio

    Pierre Schaeffer an interview with the pioneer of musique concrete

    Introduction: What is Musique Concrete and why is it so important today? Musique Concrete is music made of raw sounds: thunderstorms, steam-engines, waterfalls, steel foundries… The sounds are not produced by traditional acoustic musical instruments. They are captured on tape (originally, before tape, on disk) and manipulated to form sound-structures. The work method is therefore empirical. It starts from the …

Febbraio, 2018

  • 28 Febbraio

    John Perry Barlow, Internet Pioneer, 1947-2018

    With a broken heart I have to announce that EFF’s founder, visionary, and our ongoing inspiration, John Perry Barlow, passed away quietly in his sleep this morning. We will miss Barlow and his wisdom for decades to come, and he will always be an integral part of EFF. It is no exaggeration to say that major parts of the Internet we all know …

Gennaio, 2016

  • 21 Gennaio

    Luigi Agostini. Controllo dei suoni nello spazio.

    Mi chiamo Luigi Agostini e dal lontano 1997 (ahimè, il tempo vola) mi occupo di audio multi-canale, tridimensionale e non. Ringrazio vivamente i creatori di Sound Art Zone per lo spazio che mi concedono e, senza perdere altro tempo, (non vorrei annoiare nessuno) comincio subito a trattare l’argomento che mi è stato suggerito, cioé la spazializzazione del suono. Comincio scongiurando …

Dicembre, 2015

  • 16 Dicembre

    Salvatore Martirano – L’s GA for Gassed-Masked Politico, Helium Bomb and Two Channel Tape

    Salvatore Giovanni Martirano, internationally acclaimed American composer, was born on January 12th, 1927 in Yonkers, NY, a son of Alexander and Mary Mazzullo Martirano. He died at the age of 68 on Friday, November 17th, 1995. Professor Martirano studied composition with Herbert Elwell at Oberlin College (1947-51), Bernard Rodgers at The Eastman School of Music (1952), and with Luigi Dallapiccola …

  • 13 Dicembre

    Carmelo Bene & Majakovskij – In Morte di Esenin

    Spettacolo-concerto Majakovskij, è uno spettacolo teatrale di Carmelo Bene, attore unico recitante insieme al musicista Sylvano Bussotti che così lo ricorda… “Noi facemmo una nostra edizione del Majakovskij, che è stata anche la prima volta dove in Italia si faceva un certo tipo di recital; tutti e due sulla scena, musicista e attore fanno parte integrante dello stesso contesto. Effettivamente vennero fuori delle cose estremamente interessanti …

  • 13 Dicembre

    René Clair – Entr’Acte | 1924

    Director: René Clair Writer: Francis Picabia Music: Erik Satie France – 1924 – b&w Cast: Francis Picabia, Erik Satie, Jean Börlin, Inge Frïss, Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Darius Milhaud, Marcel Achard, Georges Auric, Georges Charensol, Rolf de Maré 1989.55.12 001 | BENJAMIN FONDANE, 1er mars 1925 | by RESTITUTIO BENJAMIN FONDANE

  • 12 Dicembre

    Alvin Lucier – Music On A Long Thin Wire

    In his own words (1992): “Music on a Long Thin Wire is constructed as follows: the wire is extended across a large room, clamped to tables at both ends. The ends of the wire are connected to the loudspeaker terminals of a power amplifier placed under one of the tables. A sine wave oscillator is connected to the amplifier. A …

  • 11 Dicembre

    Nef – vorrei… rivederti

    Monografia di Marco Olivieri NEF PROFILE NEF film production was born in 2010 looking for the extemporaneity as an artistic method for a better view of contemporary reality, and it was founded together with the NEF manifesto: , a video-manifest against. “ It often happens that new artistic currents originate from the will of reacting against a prevailing aesthetics” – Anselm Kiefer, …

  • 9 Dicembre

    Aphex Twin – Window Licker

    I edited this video to get straight to the music, cutting out the beginning part of talking and setting up a story. Many people will recognize the end of this song was used in the movie “Grandmas’ Boy” I do not own the rights to this song. No copyright infringement intended. Rights belong to Label: [Merlin] Warp Records Link to …

Idioms »