Herbert Eimert (8 April 1897 – 15 December 1972) was a German music theorist, musicologist, journalist, music critic, editor, radio producer, and composer. Herbert Eimert was born in Bad Kreuznach. He studied music theory and composition from 1919–1924 at the Cologne Musikhochschule with Hermann Abendroth, Franz Bölsche (de), and August von Othegraven. In 1924, while still a student, he published an Atonale Musiklehre (Atonal Music Theory Text) which, together with a twelve-tone string quartet composed for the end-of-term examination concert, …
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Herbert Brün – Klänge Unterwegs (Wayfaring Sounds)
Herbert Brün – Klänge Unterwegs (Wayfaring Sounds), Siemens-Studio Für Elektronische Musik, on Siemens Kultur Programm, 1998, (1961). http://www.herbertbrun.org/ by lemmidos Herbert Brün (July 9, 1918 – November 6, 2000) was a composer and pioneer of electronic and computer music. Born in Berlin, Germany, he taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1962 until he retired, several years before his death. Brün left Germany in 1936 to study …
Read More »Aldo Tambellini
Filmmaker sperimentale, videoartista e poeta, esponente di spicco della scena artistica underground statunitense a cavallo tra gli anni sessanta e settanta, riconosciuto come uno dei pionieri dell’intermedialità e del video d’artista. Esordisce nell’ambito dell’Expanded Cinema creando ambienti immersivi e multimediali per sperimentare poi nel corso della propria carriera le potenzialità espressive del cinema e dell’immagine elettronica. Nella sua ricerca visiva …
Read More »Ingram Marshall
Ingram Marshall’s earliest encounters with electronic music were in the mid-sixties while a graduate student at Columbia University. In 1970 he became a graduate assistant to Morton Subotnick at Cal Arts and stayed on to teach there for several years after receiving an MFA in 1971. It was at Cal Arts that he became seduced by the dark colors and …
Read More »Salvatore Martirano – L’s GA for Gassed-Masked Politico, Helium Bomb and Two Channel Tape
Salvatore Giovanni Martirano, internationally acclaimed American composer, was born on January 12th, 1927 in Yonkers, NY, a son of Alexander and Mary Mazzullo Martirano. He died at the age of 68 on Friday, November 17th, 1995. Professor Martirano studied composition with Herbert Elwell at Oberlin College (1947-51), Bernard Rodgers at The Eastman School of Music (1952), and with Luigi Dallapiccola …
Read More »Delia Derbyshire
“Sono sempre stata appassionata della teoria del suono, anche ai tempi del liceo. L’insegnante di fisica si rifiutò di insegnarci l’acustica, ma la studiai da sola, e mi riusciva bene. Era un misto di parte matematica e di musica. Inoltre, la radio è stata il mio amore sin da quando ero bambina, perché venivo da una famiglia umile, avevamo pochi …
Read More »Jim Henson’s Experimental Period
Jim Henson is best known as creator of The Muppets. But he was also a bit of a hippy, and on the road to mainstream success he had quite a reputation for surrealistic / avante garde film. Below are three fine examples of his lesser known experimental work. The first, Time Piece, was nominated for an Oscar in 1967. The …
Read More »The Theatre of Eternal Music – Dream House 78’17”
La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela’s the Theatre of Eternal Music in their minimalistic drone composition “Dream House 78’17””. Made back in 1974, it was for its time extremely long and extremely avant-garde. It was also, however, one of the very first examples of drone music. Since it wasn’t yet uploaded in its entirety on YouTube, I do that as …
Read More »Alvin Lucier – Music On A Long Thin Wire
In his own words (1992): “Music on a Long Thin Wire is constructed as follows: the wire is extended across a large room, clamped to tables at both ends. The ends of the wire are connected to the loudspeaker terminals of a power amplifier placed under one of the tables. A sine wave oscillator is connected to the amplifier. A …
Read More »League Of Automatic Music Composers – Musica per calcolatori
Prima band per computer collegati in rete, la League Of Automatic Music Composers ha forgiato un esperimento spartiacque per il genere e rivoluzionario (sebbene passato completamente inosservato) per la musica intera. Un esperimento che nasce tra i fermenti californiani degli anni 70, da un gruppo di colleghi e amici, uniti dalla passione per la musica e per la tecnologia. John …
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